Addyson is officially becoming a BIG GIRL! She is now riding in style in a BIG GIRL car seat!

Yes, you do see that correctly...that is a University of Maryland Terps car seat...gotta start um young!!! We went to Great Beginnings on Saturday and knew what brand car seat we wanted (Britax) but didn't know what model or the oh-so-important color choice. Let's just say the model choice was easy but the color not-so-easy. Then, the salesperson said "They make custom covers!" What took him so long to tell me that?!?! So, we left with a U of MD cover for my car and a denim looking cover (read: cheap) cover for Garth's car...with intentions of going online and buying custom covers. There is a good reason for that too...the salesperson said "It's good to have will always be clean!" I think I am in love...a man after my own heart!
Here is Addy testing out her new seat in the living room...

After Garth installed both seats we took a spin around the block...

We, of course, had to document the day with pictures with Mommy and Daddy...

And we tested Mommy's car...

And just because I LOVE to look at old pictures of Addy...Here is a picture of her in her
baby car seat the day we brought her home from the hospital...

Addy is definitely
becoming a BIG GIRL!