When I first went back to work Addy wasn't happy. She spent a few {long} weeks not napping. We would hear "Momma, no work" a lot, my mom heard it more during nap time. She has finally worked it all out and loves being with Mimi and having time with "my dada" in the morning. Now we get to figure it all out again with Garth's new job. He will have MUCH more responsibility and will have to work longer hours and maybe Saturdays. I am sure Addy will do fine once she figures out "my dada's" new schedule.
We also found out that we are having a new baby in April! I am 12 weeks 2 days today. My body doesn't knew that yet because I am still nauseous. 2 days past 12 weeks, body...2 days...stop now!!! It has been a long 6 weeks. We found out we were pregnant and 2 weeks later I started having some bleeding, oh and I started school. It was very stressful. 2 weeks of spotting, 4 ultrasounds, and many doctors appointments later everything is fine! Praise God! My due date is April 9th...4 months after Addy's 2nd birthday. Some of our top names right now are...Callie and Kenley (girls), Keagen, Jack, and Will (boys). Who knows we just thought of those names and we change our minds daily. I will be surprised if one of those sticks!!! The one thing I do know for sure is a boys middle name will be McCullough! Just like granddaddy!
Addyson Mackenzie {Addy Mac} is named after her great granddaddy too! I took this picture at the Frederick Fair, where granddad used to harness race his horses. Granddad spent a lot of time sitting just like Addy and spent a lot of time right at this barn and racetrack. We thought it was pretty awesome that they had this set up!

Hopefully I will get back into the swing of taking pictures and posting them...but now you know why I haven't been ;o)