Saturday, April 7, 2007

Photography Blog!!!

I have a photography blog!!

I hope to really start to taking more and more pictures of Little Miss AddyMac (insert Addy rolling her eyes..."more pictures of me"....not possible) So, I do take a lot of pictures of Addy, I guess what I really want to start doing is taking pictures of other children...interested? Let me know!

Practice makes perfect...right? Okay, truth be this point I don't care about perfect let's just start at better! Sounds good, right?....practice makes better!!!

Here are some pictures of Addy (my only model) from today. When went looking at new townhouses they are building down the street. She was less then impressed...froggy was much more important! Enjoy!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


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