1 month old...
2 months old...
3 months old...
4 months old...
They are still RAW files...I need to edit!!!
5 months old...

6 months old...
no picture...I forgot!
7 months old...

This is the ONLY picture I have with Addy and the paper!
This is Addy's new version of the monthly pictures...

She makes up for it with her cuteness!!!!

I don't know what it is about this picture but it's Addy.
My sunshine.
My mooshie tooshie.
My stinker butt.
The love of my love.
My best friend.
My baby.
My everything.
I don't know what it is but this is MY ADDY...

If it was a better picture I would have it blown up REALLY big and made into a gallery wrap.
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