It doesn't seem possibly that it is already August. I should love August, it is my birthday month!, but every since I had my stinky {aka Addyson} I have come to hate August. All August means to me is going back to work. :( I have 17 more days home with my baby and I am going to ignore the little calendar at the bottom of my computer screen that turns everyday and I loss another one of those days with my baby. {insert fingers in ears and yelling *la la la la*} See I am already ignoring August!
Instead of dwelling on the whole 17 days left, we decided to bring August in the best summer way we could {okay, Ryan decided but I think it was a great way to kick off August}!
We enjoyed...


If you see me don't mention school, work, or anything related to either subject. If you do be prepared for a breakdown. Not joking, I am most likely going to start crying. :*(
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