I would have been 40 weeks and 1 day pregnant today, with Addyson I was still pregnant.
It's hard to believe that Emery is 12 days old today.
All 6 lbs. 13 oz. of her.
I must be doing
something right.
She is over her birth weight.
I had no intentions of going early this pregnancy.
FCPS gives long-term subs two paid transition days. I scheduled on of those days for April 7, my last day before maternity leave. As my sub and I sat down with the school secretary to tell her about the days she scheduled she said, "What if you go early?" to which I replied, "I won't go early. I'm not going early."
I was glad when the alarm went of a 6:35 on Monday, March 30 and I went to the bathroom and into the other bathroom, still peeing, to shower that I listened to my secretary.
We scheduled our last transition day for March 30. My long term sub was already scheduled to come in. Good thing because I thought
maybe my water
might be breaking.
I walked back into the other bathroom and my conversation with Garth went like this...
Me: "I think my water might be breaking."
Garth: "Really?"
Me: "Yeah, I don't know. But you need to move."
Garth: "Move? I can't. I'm peeing."
Me: "So, stop."
Garth: "I can't"
Me: "Seriously, you can't make it stop?"
Garth: "No."
I had no idea.
I decided to shower and Garth called my mom.
During my shower not much happened.
When I got out I was still feeling little leaks.
I called the doctor's answering service.
My conversation with the answering service guy went something like this...
Dude: "Doctor's answering service. How can I help you?"
Me: "I think my water might be breaking."
Dude: "Ok."
Insert boring questions about weeks along, doctors name, office, etc.
Dude: "So, you think you water is breaking?"
Me: "Yeah, or I am peeing myself."
Dude: "Oh. Ok. I understand ma'am. If the doctor doesn't call in 15 minutes please call back.
Me: "Thanks!"
The doctor called and said we should come to the hospital as soon as possible.
We still had a lot to do.
My mom came and stayed with a sleeping Addy.
We got to the hospital at 8:30.
They did all the hospital stuff and took us to delivery room 6.
I put on a gown.
Answered questions.
Was checked. "Lots of water. 3 cm. Your staying here."
Got an i.v.
Around 10 they let us walk.
We walked for an hour.
At 11. I was 4-5.
Dr. Lee talked about pitocin or walking, my choice.
Addy showed up with Mimi and Aunt Beth.
"Here I come, mama. Don't be sad. Here I come."
The monitored the baby for awhile.
We walked again. For an hour.
Addy rode the iv pole like a scooter.
Addy went and got lunch. Chicken and carrots. And ice cream. Her spoon fell on the floor. I went to get another from the nurse.
The contractions got worse.
I had to stop when they came.
Garth wanted me to lean on him.
I didn't want to be that pregnant woman. The one I saw when we walked the first time that had her head on her husband's chest.
It didn't help me.
I stood.
And tried to pant. puff. breath. through them.
Garth went to get the bags.
My mom walked with me.
We went back to the room.
Beth took Addy and her bobo's to pick up Blake and Brie.
I was checked again. 5 cm.
I got an epidural.
Pitocin started.
Checked again. 7 cm.
Garth went to tell everyone about the progress.
10 mintues passed.
Called the nurse.
"Can I push that button for more epidural?"
"Let me check you. If your cervix is the same, yes. If you have changed, no."
Checked. 9 cm.
Asked about babies heart rate. It kept dropping with my contractions.
Nurse told me with what my cervix was doing it was normal. Otherwise it wasn't okay.
No Garth in sight.
After 15 minutes Garth came back.
"9 cm."
Called mom to come back.
Garth went to the nurses station to tell them about the pain.
In walks the anesthesiologist.
More medicine.
Nurse came back, upset about the medicine.
Doctor checked me. 10 cm. Ready to push.
Baby sister is born at 6:35.
She looked to tiny.
Love at first sight.