Emery at 3 weeks... All 8 lbs. 2 oz. of her. She is a eating machine!
(don't mind the horrible picture. it is rainy and nasty here today.)

And Addy at 3 weeks...
There were days, right after she was born, that I felt sad. Sad for Emery because she would never have the undivided attention that Addy had when she was a baby. Emery will always be part of two. Sad for Addyson because she would never have that undivided attention again. Addyson will never be just one.
I stood in the shower and cried for my girls. Hoping that they both would be okay with the world they were in. Would Emery mind being the baby sister? Emery doesn't get the long uninterrupted cuddles from Garth and I that Addy did because we have Addy. There are sippy cups to fill, snacks to get, tears to dry. Emery has to share, way before Addy every had to. Is that fair?
Would Addyson mind being the big sister? Our whole world changed in the blink of an eye. I woke up that morning like I do everyday. I was suppose to wake Addy up at 7 and get her ready to go to Mimi's but we didn't. Addy had no warning. She was the big sister in an instant. I didn't feel like I had prepared her enough. I thought I had 2 weeks left, I don't know what I was waiting for.
Today, I am in a better place. I am so thankful for both Emery and Addyson and that they have each other. They will always have each other, sisters. There is nothing better than sisters. Yeah, it is different now but we wouldn't change it for the world. We have two beautiful, healthy, happy girls, who love each other. I think we have all adjusted to our new roles...Mom and Dad of two, big sister and baby sister.

Addy meeting Emery...
My girls!
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