{picture taken via Garth's phone}
Yep, we have another Starbucksaholic in our family!
I try to make many trips to Starbucks a week. {I <3 Starbucks!} Sometimes I don't get there at all during the work week but every Saturday after we go to Little Gym we walk over to Starbucks. Garth and I get to enjoy a coffee and a yummy treat and Addy gets some varation of a blueberry muffin and a sippy of water {we used to get black bottom cupcakes. We <3ed black bottom cupcakes!}
Tonight we went to dinner at California Tortilla and after a trip the the bike store I went to get a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Garth and Addy were walking around talking, touching and looking at the whole store. I went to get one of those coffee sleeve things and handed one to Addy to play with. When I gave it to here she stared saying "wa-wa" {translation: water} so we gave her her water and put the sleeve around it. She walked out of Starbucks happy as can be. She walked all the way to the car smiling, and holding her "starbucks." I think she loves Starbucks as much as I do...she is sure to be a Starbucksaholic like me!
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