My mom bought Addy a life jacket yesterday. When she got up from her nap she wanted nothing to do with the thing but it has snaps and snaps make Addy melt :) She spent a long time snapping, signing and yelling "mor-mor" {translation: more}, and snapping some more. We really wanted her to like the life jacket so this summer she wont mind putting it on
everyday when we go to Terri's pool! Every time she even remotely thought, looked or put her arm near the arm hole of the jacket we clapped and Garth and I each tried putting the jacket on. Finally, after dinner Addy decided she would put the jacket on! She walked around for a good five minutes pushing her baby in her stroller and saying "jacket".

Addyson is ready for the pool!{pictures taken via Garth's phone}
We are embracing the snapshots of life (hug)!
Well... what's the verdict.. is it the pox?
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