I took off Addy's birthday day, so I could be home to celebrate with her. And we certainly did celebrate!
The day started off with me sick in bed but I quickly started to feel better because I HAD to make Addy's day special!
Addy picked her outfit out for the day, pink and brown stripped pants and a blue Sesame Street shirt (picking out your own clothes is a big 2 year old deal!)
We spent the morning playing and relaxing!

as you can tell we played hard!
Then, Mimi and Mallory came over with balloons and a McDonald's birthday lunch!

While the girls ate Mimi made the icing for the special birthday cake!

After lunch the girls played!

At nap time Addy went to sleep, Mimi and Mallory went home and I started on the birthday cake!

When Garth brought had down from her nap, he took her over to the cake. When he asked her what it was she said "Probably, Mickey!" Probably? I thought it looked JUST like Mickey ;)
We decorated for the party!

We did some more playing and our best pal Mickey called to wish Addy a Happy Birthday! Addy was confused and excited at the same time. She has watched Mickey on Garth's phone twice at the ER (two stories for another blog entry!) and thought we were giving her the phone to watch Mickey not talk to him. She still sometimes will ask if we are talking to Mickey!
Garth made delicious Chicken Parmesan for dinner! Addy loves her Daddy's cooking!

We sang Happy Birthday and Addy blew our her candle, all by herself!

We opened birthday presents!

Addy's second birthday was an awesome day. We had so much fun together and she really, really enjoyed every minute of the day!
Here's a walk down memory lane...


She is growing up too fast!
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