Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ten on Tuesday!

Which started as tWelve on Wednesday post last week!!

1. "Baby sister" needs a name. Keegan? Kenley? Callie? That's where we are now. Addyson was Addyson before I was even pregnant. Her middle name was hard to find. "Baby sister" can't be born as "baby sister", she really needs a name. She needs wall letters, and a towel in the bathroom. I can't buy either without a name. "Baby sister" won't cut it!

2. "Baby sisters" room is a very beautiful bright pink. Garth painted one coat of primer and two coats of paint. You can still see the blue under. Sorry, Garth! He has more painting to do.

3. Addyson had a 103.5 degree fever on last Sunday. Nothing else. Just a high fever. It was very strange but it seems to be gone now. Addy tends to get fevers at 103 whenever she gets a fever. It's never low, always high. And today she has a croupy cough and runny nose.

4. I had off last Monday with Addy (my favorite days) and my mom was with her on Tuesday. Two whole days in her PJ's. That will make anyone feel better!

5. We had a snow day today, another PJ day!

6. Addy had her graduation from Little Gym last Saturday. Technically it doesn't change anything. We went back to the same class on Saturday some kids moved up, Addy stayed right where she was. Our next graduation will be a "move up" graduation.

7. We might have off tomorrow. It is suppose to get icy tonight (love these days)!

8. I am almost 30 weeks! Seriously, 30 weeks pregnant. 10 weeks to go. This pregnancy has FLOWN by. I remember counting the days, weeks, months with Addy and they were s l o w. Not this time. With a two year old running around there isn't time to count. Okay so we count ( as in one, two, free!) but she isn't counting weeks yet!

9. We need a dresser, rocking chair, crib and stroller in those next ten weeks.

10. Hold that thought while I run to 7-11 to buy a lotto ticket!


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